Sunday, March 13, 2011

day 66 – sea day

as we watch the news it is absolutely horrifying what is happening in japan - just devastating… there’s really not much more to say about that…

on a more cheerful note, i am really close to being able to maybe get my brother dave out here with us for a short stint over our birthday (we have the same birthday) when we are in the mediterranean.  cross your fingers that it all works out!  we did hear from the captain today that we will not be making the ports of call in egypt, and they are replacing them with another port in oman and two ports in israel, which were not previously on our itinerary.  that should be interesting!  we will be signing up for a crew tour together in dubai and have put in our application to escort guest tours in turkey and oman

today we had a run through for the continuation of our guest open mic night, cut short the other night by the crew show.  it was an awesome turnout and we had a great show!  some very talented folks, sharing true stories, songs and skits.  i will wait for another few weeks before we do another one, though i wish we could sustain one weekly, as the bar sure does do well on those nights!                      

we are putting our own adventures together tomorrow in singapore, and i will keep you posted.  i am beat and gotta get some sleep if tomorrow is to be as cool as i think it might be… on a quest for some cool stuff for nino and great street food…  cheers, diane

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