Tuesday, March 22, 2011

day 76 – at sea

i asked julie, our human resources lady (and a very nice gal), to check on my brother’s application to come on board for the mediterranean leg of our journey coming up… it will be so exciting if he can make it!  we haven’t had our birthday (april 17) together since i was pregnant with nino, i think… actually, we were close to it when my brother came for bob’s and my wedding 6 years ago, but that time was kind of all about the wedding (and for those of you who came, it was quite the production, so i was a little pre-occupied!), so this will really be quite special.  i am optimistic they will find him a spot as we have more folks disembarking in dubai and a few more in athens (where he would come on, probably), so i already know the ship is not full going back...

my brothers, dave and dan, both have gone on some epic adventures together, and, me not being the uber outdoors-y type, never fancied going down the yukon river with them or hunting caribou or moose or that sort of thing because that’s not how i hang out… i always did envy them that together time, though, and have wondered how i could spend a little meaningful time with my siblings in a one-on-one kind of way and have some adventure where i wouldn’t have to skin or gut anything…  i think this cruise ship angle i have worked out might finally do the trick and allow me, one by one, to abduct each of my siblings (with fam when possible) for awhile and hang out and have some quality time before we let too many years slide by not seeing one another…

don’t get me wrong, a big family get together would be cool at some point, but i think i like the idea of just connecting with the family in small increments!  so, dan, donna, mom n pop, aunts n uncles, and even friends, since i can get a great deal for you, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to pick something out from any of the future itineraries i will send you and let’s hang out!  bob and i only work at night and our days are open to hang time and sightseeing and daytripping, so it could be a lot of fun.  i will get a link to my next itinerary and post it soon, and if you can make it anytime, that would rock!  if you want to bring spouse or kids, that’s cool, i just need 30 days advance notice to apply for space available… dave is the first one to come with, and i hope he’ll start a trend and bob and i’ll get to go with all of you eventually!  i used to be able to do the friend on board program, where you could share my room with me (that plan is free), and when i fly solo, that’s still cool, but as bob is sort of my permanent friend on board most of the time, we will slide over to friends and family program which is a cruise at a serious discount with your own room… i don’t even have to be on the ship you want to take, by the way, if there’s somewhere you want to go, i can get you a discount even if i am not there… a cool program!  it’s a litte like flying standby, tho, they can bump you for a full paying fare… the trick is to choose a route you know (or i know) isn’t fully booked…

tonite was indian formal bollywood awards night… all the women had bought saris or outfits or scarves in jewel tones, and some of the men had bought white or off-white indian men’s wear… everyone looked great!  one thing i love about india, even when driving by the regular everyday folks waiting for the bus, the array of beautiful colors in the clothing is incredible!  they think nothing of wearing an entire outfit in orange, purple, turquoise, chartreuse, and bangles or sparkles aren’t confined to evening or gig wear… i think this is a good cultural notion to borrow when i go back home… i think i’ll wear more color…

now, i don’t want to brag, but some of the awards show weddings or corporate parties that bob and i have produced were waaaaaaay better than what the entire event staff here came up with… even the décor was hollywood, none of the flair and color of bollywood, no great bollywood music blaring, they missed the vibe and concept entirely… anyway, since i don’t have a sitar or speak hindi, i myself was stuck to classic movie tunes for my theme night tonight called “at the movies.”  i also quizzed my bar about which movie each song was from… great crowds, and even with a formal ball at 10, i kept a pretty full bar all night… we go another hour back in time tonight, so we are 13 hours earlier, but in the next day, or 11 hours forward in the same day… the time thing still messes with my tiny mind!   
ciao for now, me

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